What is the best aqua punch bag?

If you are reading this article then it stands a chance you are in the market to purchase a brand new punch bag to get you on your fitness or boxing journey. With so many choices, so many cheap copies on the market it can be a minefield. A big question which is always asked is:

What is the best aqua punch bag to buy?

There are many things to consider when asking this question. 

1) Quality of the aqua punch bag.

2) Your budget

3) Frequency of use

1. Quality of the aqua punch bag.

It is easy to be bought into videos of people hitting an aqua bag with a hammer or stick, we did that in the early days! But this does not prove the quality of the bag in any shape or form! The key to a quality aqua bag is longevity and that comes in through the production process. 

Heavy Hitters Aqua Bags are exclusively manufactured to our exacting standards in Europe. We have a big input into all the aspects of production ensuring Heavy Hitters is a trusted aqua punch bag brand. OUR BAGS ARE NOT PRODUCED IN CHINA!! 

2. Your budget for an aqua punch bag.

 We understand budget is important, however, cheaper does not always represent value for money. There is an old saying "Buy cheap buy twice". Heavy Hitters aqua bags are premium high quality bags designed to last the test of time, thats why we offer a 2 year warranty. 

It is important to match up the quality, how often a cheap product might need to be replaced vs buying a top of the range product. 

3. Frequency of use.

Another key component in determining what is the best aqua punch bag is how often you intend to use it. If the plan is to rarely use it then a cheaper poorer quality product may be enough. 

If the intent is to use the product on a consistent basis and to get fit then a more superior, high end product is the best bet! 

See the Heavy Hitters premium range HERE:


What is the best aqua bag to buy?


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