Destruction Testing

It was a fun day for Heavy Hitters staff as we did some destruction testing of our 16", 32kg (71lbs) boxing aqua bag. 


Our primary mission was to seek, test and destroy! We filled our bag creating a weight of 32kg (71lbs) and hung it using our hanging kit. It was then out with the old sand filled bags and in with the new Heavy Hitters water filled punching bag. 

We did some general testing to begin with before getting really into the tough stuff. 


As you would expect from a premium, genuine Heavy Hitters water bag it took our amateur punches with ease. We then decided to up the ante and test whether it could handle our body weight.

Our director jumped on the bag, he is no lightweight at 95kg and the 16" bag handled that in its stride (please note: we do not recommend hanging on the bags, this was to highlight the quality of our product).Destruciton Test


In short the answer was yes! despite repeated swings at it with the pole it was no match for our 16" water filled punch bag. In fact, we had to stop as we feared for the pole!! 


  • It can easily take professional and amateur punches
  • Although not recommended, it could easily take the weight of the water and a human
  • We were more concerned about the wooden poles than the water bag!
  • Our Heavy Hitters Water bags are genuine, high quality water punch bags

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